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Re: [pygame] preview of new pygame website... HiFi part

Phone versions:
    Android 4.4.2
    Chrome 34.0.*
    firefox 29 (beta and stable)

For highlighting game updates, maybe use the widget steam has (I think it's called: carousel, ex: http://store.steampowered.com/  ) It cycles through large images + links.

I had a thought about the data density:

If using a steam widget to feature the 5 most recent (or manually featured games). Then continue more in the column, like it currently does.

If using the a slideshow / steam widget above: you could remove the news section. If there's recent news, insert items into the steam-slideshow widgit. (Clicking it will navigate to the full-news page)

The same thing could work for videos. (If new ones aren't submitted real frequently, yet it'd still be nice to have on the front.)

Maybe news and videos will be frequent enough always using a column is best.

On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 10:51 AM, René Dudfield <renesd@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks for the notes Jake.

Perhaps if I play a subtle highlighting animation on page load, and highlight the arrow keys as the Left/Right buttons are that might help people notice them.

btw, your phone is an android?


On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 5:26 PM, Jake b <ninmonkeys@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Minor notes .

I didn't realize the top menu at first. Might be too subtle.

I tested it on my phone, chrome and Firefox.

+ doesn't work with swipe gesture.
+ arrow buttons: About 10% of the time the site scrolls 2 columns.

While swipe works on ffx, but is giving false positives. If I scroll up / down. Ex displacement of 10px x, 300px y, it pages.
