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Re: [pygame] Collision Detection with Pygame/OpenGL Surfaces

There isn't really a workaround available to you. Basically you can't
use pygame surface functions on pygame's opengl surfaces (some people
are writing stuff so you can into SDL, but it's not really available
in pygame)

You need to use PyOpenGL to use OpenGL functions to get stuff onto the
back buffer. If figuring out the openGL stuff isn't what you want to
do, many people have written simple 2d api's that do the openGL heavy
lifting for you, and have posted links to their libraries both in the
archive and as projects on the pygame site.

On 8/2/07, Ian Mallett <geometrian@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I want to draw a circle on this surface with pygame.draw.circle().  It
> doesn't crash, which makes me think it should work, but I don't see the
> circle, which makes me think it doesn't.
> Also, blitting surfaces crashes.  Is there a workaround?
> Ian