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Re: [pygame] contemplating move to bitbucket(and hg). what do you think?

On 02/08/11 05:22 AM, René Dudfield wrote:

I'm considering moving these pygame.org <http://pygame.org> services to bitbucket.org <http://bitbucket.org>

  * issues - since our bugzilla maintainer wants to move onto other
  * wiki - it just a directory in our version control, can be edited
    via the web.  Better spam control on bitbucket.  We will need to
    convert some stuff from html into 'creol' format.  The wiki pages
    off bitbucket will be mirrored onto the pygame website.
  * hg - (source version control) distributed version control for the win.
  * downloads - easier for multiple people to upload binaries rather
    than just the web maintainer.  We will mirror the bitbucket
    downloads onto the pygame.org/ftp/ <http://pygame.org/ftp/> directory.

The pypy project has used it, and I think they are quite happy with it. I've also been using it over the last number of months and it seems fine.

Why not git/github? SDL and python both use mercurial (hg) now. So should pygame.

If people are cool with this, I'll start working on a transition plan. Things like creating an author map between subversion/hg, planning the conversion from subversion, and writing the mirror tools (for downloads and wiki).


I once tried cloning PyPy over a dialup connection, not understanding the nature of Mercurial. The download never completed. The Python repository also supports SVN. But given that I support the move. I never got merges to work properly on the seul.org repository. And it would be nice to close down my impromptu Pygame Windows binaries site. Go for it.

Lenard Lindstrom