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[pygame] Tactics Game Demo

At <http://kschnee.xepher.net/code/071214tactics_demo.zip> is a playable demo of a quick-and-dirty tactical combat game in the style of "Final Fantasy Tactics" and "Disgaea: Hour of Darkness." I did this for practice; check out the included source (mainly acorn.py) for the game framework I ended up using. The framework code is also available at <http://kschnee.xepher.net/code/acorn.py.txt>.

Hit a key to start. Move your characters (the raccoon team) to valid spaces, shown in blue, then either attack a target (in red) or click on the character themselves to defend for the next round. Your team has a fast (overpowered, really) scout, a "heavy," and a healer who does negative damage. Defeat both enemies to win.

Known problems:
-Escape quits, but only during the brief pauses between characters' actions. I should probably have all unhandled events passed back to the main event-handler so that Esc keypresses are always handled. -NPCs just stand there and attack if you're in range. This is a result of the NPC AI not having been fully built.


"You've gotta be kidding! Level 4000?!" -Laharl, "Disgaea"