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Re: [pygame] Erratic behavior with pygame.font.SysFont


I have got 271 Fonts on my (father's) PC and just checked all of them with a modified script.

You can see which fonts have this erratic behavion, which fail to load with real exception, which display strange (boxes) and wich work fine.
30 are broken
206 work fine

On XP with 1.9.1 I freeze up on the ~10th font called impact.
I'm on Vista, PortablePython 2.5, pygame 1.8.1release - impact works for me
Therefore it might be wise to double check the fonts anyone reports as broken Also I don't have my own PC and can't install Subversion to make a patch, neither do I feel good enough to write one by hand

On 30.12.2009 09:42, René Dudfield wrote:

you could try filtering out that font and not loading it.  I'm
guessing there is a bug in freetype and that font.

I could add that font(and other broken ones) to sysfont if someone
submits a patch.  That is a font blacklist.


On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 7:59 AM, Ian Mallett<geometrian@xxxxxxxxx>  wrote:
I get the same error as Dan.