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[pygame] os.environ on macintosh

hi all

Yesterday I tested on a mac some code I have been developing on linux and windows. There was a problem with the drawing surface being displaced from the window where it was contained. I found that this was causing the problem:
os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = "%d,%d" % (x,y)

Setting x,y to 0,0 correctly shown the drawing area fitting the window, setting it to 10,20 would move the drawing area 10 pixels right and 20 pixels up (!) from the bottom, and so on.

However the actual position of the window in the screen was not affected by this command unlike windows and linux.

I guess this is something to do with the way mac interprets those environmental variables. I would like to find a way to archive on mac the same effect I get on win/linux (position the SDL window within the desktop), any ideas?

