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Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

Idiotic flame-bait troll sharing his pain at the world caused by his
obvious social and professional inadequacies not-withstanding...

Having a pygame-1.7.1 python2.5-win32 installer posted on the
pygame.org download page would be nice. I would appreciate the
kindness of those involved in sharing the product of their work to
save me time & energy.

So could Sami's installer go up there?

On 2/15/07, Sami Hangaslammi <sami.hangaslammi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
FWIW, I've compiled pygame-1.7.1 (as well as Numeric-24.2 for
surfarray) for Python2.5-win32 and would be happy to contribute the
installer to the pygame site if there's need. I also tried compiling
pygame-1.8 a couple of weeks back, but it seemed to have a lot of new
dependencies for headers and libs that I couldn't find outright.

Sami Hangaslammi