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Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

Jer Juke wrote:
Sorry for throwing in that big flaming pile of dung
into your pretty mailinglist, as in apologies for all
the boring replies people posted in a response.

As for why I did not compile it myself it's because I
have no need for it.

I filed this complained exclusively due to my great
compassion for the newcomer to python. You know the
one, fresh 2.5 install straight off the website, an
optimistic twinkle in her eyes to try out this new
awesome programming language to make games with pygame
only to find out pygame doesn't work with python and
goes off to become a shepard instead. I already
supplied several such newcomers with instructions ala
"uninstall python 2.5 and install python 2.4" and that
just ain't cool you guys.

So thanks for compiling it, not for my sake, but for
those out there that are, unlike me, nice people. Now
maybe in a few days - months in pygame-terms - it will
actually appear on the site.
grrrrreat job guys!

--- Sami Hangaslammi <sami.hangaslammi@xxxxxxxxx>

I did a quick test and everything seemed to work
fine, but haven't
tested it throughly, as I too am still mainly using
Python 2.4.

Sami Hangaslammi

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