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Re: [pygame] Decrease in Performance

Can you post the code and the image you are using to test this?

On 2/20/07, Bruce Coram <brucecoram@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm reposting this - my first attempt appeared to get lost.  Being a
newbie I can not rule out incompetence!

What might the reason be for a significant drop in performance for
blitting objects to the screen using pygame versions 1.6 and 1.7, both
with Python 2.4.4.  We blit two surfaces, each approximately 900  x 900
pixels in size, consecutively to the screen.  Using pygame 1.6 this took
about 0.016 seconds but in pygame 1.7 it took about 0.024 seconds.  Can
anyone help?  I had thought that new versions improved performance not
degraded it.  The code is identical in both cases.

Thanks in anticipation.

Bruce Coram