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[pygame] Screenshots, music and flipping


[ Lots'o'stuff in one mail ]

Please make the screenshots on the pygame homepage links to the original
sites for the games, or provide some means of rwaching them. I looked at
the site today and wanted to check out "Twitch", but found no link. So,
no, this was not just because I want to be able to easily get people to
visit the Civil www-site... :-) Nice update of the pygame site, btw.

Dug into the docs a little bit (more about that later), and found the nice
display.flip() method. Is there any real performance differences when
using flip() instead of plain display.update() (full screen update)?

Then for something completely different. At home we have an "entertainment
center", i.e. a Linux PC attached to the TV. It plays mp3:s and should
soon be able to show webpages for some sites as well as mail. We're
currently using xmms for the mp3 playing, but I'd rather hack something
own. Then I came to think about pygame, as it can play mp3:s I should be
able to create a simple fullscreen mp3 player using it, couldn't I? I
mainly want to show a fullscreen nice picture and the current song info in
some corner of the screen. Starting, stopping etc should be possible, as
well as handling primitive playlists. The latter is easy to handle in
Python, and I think I can do most sound-things in pygame. Commands from
the user is read from an IR-software, and it can interface with Python
just fine.

So, has anybody done some mp3-playing with pygame, and what could the
pitfalls be? Is it worth a shot?

Jan 'Chakie' Ekholm | Balrog New Media http://www.balrog.fi/
   Linux Inside     | I'm the blue screen of death, nobody hears your screams

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