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Re: [pygame] unround circle!

Pete Shinners wrote on 2003-06-11:

> Beni Cherniavsky wrote:
> > Here is a bug from long ago, forgot to report it then (still present
> > on fresh 1.5.6): `pygame.draw.circle` doesn't create a round circle,
> > it's more tall than wide.
> even worse, the tops and bottoms were drawing "outside" the rectangular
> area it was supposed to. animated circles would likely be leaving dirty
> areas behind as they are cleared and moved.
> this is all fixed. i played with the 'maths' a little to try and get
> better looking filled circles too. it's checked into cvs now.
I just downloaded the CVS snapshot__ and the WHATSNEW says "cleaned
fill circle draw" (on Jun 11, so this is clearly relates to your
message) but I still see the same behavior and diff of `src/draw.c`
vs. 1.5.5 doesn't show any difference at all in the `circle` function.
What do I miss?  Is the CVS snapshot not up-to-date perhaps?

__ http://pygame.org/ftp/pygame-cvs.tar.gz

Beni Cherniavsky <cben@tx.technion.ac.il>

If I don't hack on it, who will?  And if I don't GPL it, what am I?
And if it itches, why not now?  [With apologies to Hilel ;]