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Re: [pygame] Re: Creating several instances of same image

Grant Morganryuuguu wrote:

Also you could use a Numeric array. I like them for 2d structures

import Numeric

aliens = Numeric.resize(Alien(),(x,y))

for i in range(x)
for j in range(y)
aliens[i,j] = Alien((LEFT + i * DISTANCE, TOP + j * DISTANCE))

I find it easier to visualize what the code is doing when I can use [i,j] type syntax. Also you can use slices to find left most and right most alien which you will need.

i like it! It's like a nice Numeric Mini - Tutorial...
gives me an (Numeric) Array for items of type Alien() (class object reference) with size x*y ...

puts something in it

myAlien = aliens[1,1]
gives the reference back to me?

that's teh cool! It's so much easier than i thought, time to rewrite some of my stuff... using lists, on the other hand, forces you to think about what you do in terms of necessary / unnecessary accesses for speed reasons...
