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Re: [pygame] very easy snippets to start: where from i can get?

> Also, on the pygame.org home page, there is a link to
> a pygame book for sale.

I've read McGugan's Beginning PyGame book, and it does a fairly nice
job introducing Python in general (I think the first 2 chapters do
this).  If you're wanting to learn Pygame it's a Great book.  If
you're just learning python, it will be useful, but definitely not
your only resource.

> P.S. Do not try to use pygame without having learned
> to program using Python alone first.

I actually learned python because of pygame, and I DID use pygame with
no prior python experience (though I had a LOT of programming
experience in languages like C, Java, PHP... etc), so it CAN be done.
Having said that, I heartily suggest you do some other stuff with
python and then come back to pygame.  IMHO, it will make your pygame
experience more enjoyable.  I think the python tutorial is a really
good place to start:  http://docs.python.org/tut/tut.html