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Re: [pygame] What's next for Pygame project?

On 11 July 2015 at 19:20, Lenard Lindstrom <len-l@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I need someone to take over official Windows support from me, since I am stuck on Windows XP. I have the MinGW based dependency build chain working again for 32bit Windows, but did not get everything to build for 64bit Windows. So no official 64bit prebuilt libraries yet on the Bitbucket download page.

Have you looked into using appveyor for testing and/or building Windows packages? I know there are some other Python projects that compile on Windows using appveyor. I can hunt down some guides/examples if you're interested in this.
* Catch up on the Bitbucket pull requests
The 5 member limit for a Bitbucket project team is a nuisance.

I think (having just looked at BB docs) that this limit is only for private repositories - you should be able to have as many users as you want on a public repository. If there's a problem with that, it might be worth pinging Bitbucket to see if they can fix it: it might be a bug, or it might be a soft limit that they'll raise for an open source project that needs more users.
