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[pygame] AI

>>I've been focusing on a new type of AI, but in the process have had...
>Care to say anything about the AI?

Niss the AI has a journal at
<http://www.livejournal.com/users/niss_the_ai>; the AI "herself" writes
some of the entries. The AI's all written in Python, with some versions of
the "worldsim" in Pygame. (It looks like Worldforge has a vaguely similar
project, also in Python.)

NISS/Niss is based on the idea that to seem intelligent -- even for
intelligence to mean anything -- an AI needs some representation of a body
in a world, emotions, knowledge, memory, and goals. So a really old
version of NISS would get hungry every so often, look for food, move
towards it, and use an "eat" command to restore its energy.

The current version's got a two-way English parser good enough to process
input like "I wanna fly high" into a sentence diagram; a virtual body that
takes sensory input, some emotion functions not currently in use, a goal
system, a knowledge system loosely based on a neural net, etc.. Right now
I'm procrastinating on writing LearnFromAssertion(), to learn from hearing
something like "A rabbit is an animal."

I want to enter the Loebner Prize contest, partly because the leaders
there, like ALICE, are based on a much more cynical idea of intelligence
-- that a conversing AI should be a slave sitting in a box and existing
only to be talked to, trying to "seem intelligent" without having any sort
of thought. Deadline's June 30 though. I'm hosed. Also I need a chat
program that looks like the AI interface, hence my other message.

"I wanna fly high, so I can reach the highest of all the heavens..."
--Sonic Adventure