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Re: [pygame] Frantic (again)

> The latest version of the Frantic Demo is available for download.  Three
> missions (9 levels) in the demo to date.  I'm going to take a step back
> now and decide whether or not it's worth pursuing as a shareware game. 
> Your feedback will help greatly influence that decision.  Thanks to all
> who have given feedback on previous versions and thanks in advance for
> everyone that does on this latest version.  It really is a fun little
> (well, 17.5 Mb isn't really little, is it) game.   Let me know what you
> think.

This is really going to sound harsh - it's not a critique on the game
itself but rather its current implementation. The RAM usage is completely, hugely,
insanely beyond anything that even remotely makes sense for an arcade
style game. This thing takes multiples of times more RAM that Quake

For comparison, take a look at the RAM usage of similar games such as
Spheres of Chaos, MAME Blasteroids, Maelstrom.

Hate to be a big meanie but that's my true feedback.
