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[pygame] How to prevent mouse initialization in Pygame

Hi all,

In my Python application running on Raspberry Pi under Raspbian I use Pygame to display some software-generated images via framebuffer. I don’t need any input from mouse, keyboard or any other devices, all I need is a convenient way of using framebuffer.


I initialize Pygame in the following way:


class FramebufferStaticImage(object):

= (0, 0, 0)

= (255, 255, 255)



= None


def __init__(self, log):

"Ininitializes a new pygame screen using the framebuffer"

# Based on "Python GUI in Linux frame buffer"

# http://www.karoltomala.com/blog/?p=679

if FramebufferStaticImage._instance != None:

raise Exception("No more than 1 instance of FramebufferStaticImage is allowed!")

FramebufferStaticImage._instance = self

self._log = log

self._log.info("[fb_static_image] Init: entered")

self._screen = None


# Try ensure using framebuffer and not X11 display even if it exists

if self._ENV_VAR_DISPLAY in os.environ:

del os.environ[self._ENV_VAR_DISPLAY]


.putenv('SDL_FBDEV', '/dev/fb0')

.putenv('SDL_VIDEODRIVER', 'fbcon')

.environ['SDL_NOMOUSE'] = '1'

####        os.putenv('SDL_NOMOUSE', '1')

self._log.debug("Current environment is: {env}", env = os.environ)

import pygame



self._width = pygame.display.Info().current_w

self._height = pygame.display.Info().current_h

self._log.info("[fb_static_image] Framebuffer size: {width} x {height}",

= self._width, height = self._height)

self._screen = pygame.display.set_mode(

(self._width, self._height), pygame.FULLSCREEN)

# Clear the screen to start


# Initialise font support


# Render the screen


self._log.info("[fb_static_image] Init: leaving")


Problem #1: I have mouse pointer at the top left corner of Pygame-drawn images. I want mouse pointer to be hidden.

I know that I can disable mouse pointer using pygame.mouse.set_visible, but here comes

Problem #2: I have to run my application with sudo in order for pygame to not raise “unable to open a console terminal” exception. But I want to run my application without root rights, because this increases my application’s security.

There are some posts on forums that recommend setting SDL_NOMOUSE=1 environment variable before initializing pygame which should skip mouse initialization and maybe make it possible to get rid of sudo, but this doesn’t work for me: I still need to use sudo and mouse pointer is still there.

If this makes any difference, I have no mouse or keyboard attached to the Raspberry Pi, I connect to it using SSH.

I use

Pygame version 1.9.2~pre~r3348-2~bpo8+rpi1

libsdl-image1.2 version 1.2.12-5+b1

libsdl1.2debian version 1.2.15-10+rpi1


Does SDL_NOMOUSE work for anyone using recent Pygame versions?

Is it possible to skip mouse initialization in Pygame?

P.S. This question was originally posted on StackExchange, but it seems I chose the wrong section. For this reason or another, I haven’t got any straight answer yet, so I write here and hope for the best :)