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Re: [pygame] Re: PCR

Tom, it seems to me that the "Gamelets" section is more like what you're
looking for.  Or am i misinterpreting you?

Anyone know if the code activestate uses is open source?


On Thu, 2003-03-20 at 20:05, Tom Chance wrote:
> > in the meantime, does anyone have any thoughts on improving the current
> > system? we should probably just change the name to "cookbook", since
> > that seems to be the correct terminology on the internet these days :]
> I'm afraid I haven't got the time for working on the site, but I'll submit the 
> usual "you will do x" remarks all the same ;)
> I'd suggest trying to make the resource useful in two ways: both as a good 
> learning resource, where code really stands on its own, and also as a place 
> to poach well written code to fulfill certain objectives. I know that is, of 
> course, the aim of the current resource, but it could be done slightly 
> better.
> At the moment, the resource is a list of classes people have written to 
> fulfill certain tasks, which is cool, but they all seem to be fairly limited. 
> Why not have longer code samples, which, say, implement a very simply board 
> game, and provide useful inheritable classes so people can make their own 
> board games from it, without having to reinvent the whell and write 
> substandard background code? It might also be nice to have some very short 
> functions in there too.
> This would be best achieved by not just letting people submit a chunk of code, 
> but by then getting people to comment on it, and change it, and 
> collaboratively work on making a really good resource. Ideally, I'd be able 
> to come up with a common game (let's say snakes and ladders), and I'd be able 
> to make my game by simply making the graphics, and extending pre-written 
> classes with rulesets and any other functions I want to make my game look and 
> feel extra spiffy.
> Maybe I'm just lazy :)
> Tom
| Shandy Brown                               Digital Thinkery |
| shandy@geeky.net             http://www.digitalthinkery.com |