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Re: [pygame] Need Help with Distance Algorithm in Numeric

Kamilche <klachemin@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> That  does work for the case you show... yay! But the arrays will be 
> arbitrarily large... and if you add even one more entry to your first 
> array, it fails with this error:
> ValueError: frames are not aligned

Uhm, yes, it seems I've got some dimensions confused here :)

> It's failing on the 'sum' calculation in the distance function.

Yeah. Upon brief reflection it seems to me that the "..." gobbled up
one dimension too many, and that ":" is, in fact, warranted:

  all_dists = dist(first, second[:, NewAxis])

It does seem to work, at least -- but, then again, so did the previous
code, and it's late ;)

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