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Re: [pygame] award winning pygames.

This is a really bizarre thread. It seems like you're discussing the wrong thing here. Let's talk about what really matters:

1. What makes a game FUN?  It is enjoyable to play and captures your attention.

2. What are some recent "award-winning" commercial games? Halo 3, Portal, Super Mario Galaxy, BioShock, Gran Turismo.

2a. Can these games be made in Pygame?  Hell no.

Here's a fact: making a modern, commercial (somebody would shell out their $$) game takes hundreds of thousands, if not MILLIONS of dollars. Nobody playing around in their spare time can do it.

So what about 10, 15, 20 years ago? People shelled out lots of $$ for Carnival, Smurf Rescue, Asteroids, Super Cobra, Super Mario Brothers, Contra, Metroid, and others. These games are nowhere near as complex as modern games, but they were still FUN. And you can make much better games than these with Pygame. And it takes less development time.

People are focused on the wrong things.  Go check out my Invasion 3D game:


I did it in a couple of months (not with Pygame though). It's a heck of a lot of fun to play. But not many people would pay for it. Why? Because there's a lot of awesome stuff that you can get for free these days. That was not true 15 years ago.

If you want to make $$ writing games, you need to get hired by a company. If you want to make some really fun games and get the pleasure of receiving compliments about a creation that was almost entirely your own, make a game with Pygame.


Talat Fakhri,