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Re: [pygame] Python3 version packaged?

Am 21.03.2014 14:32, schrieb diliup gabadamudalige:
10 days ago i wrote to John Harrision the author of pyportMIDI and he
said that he has discontinued the development and to use the MIDI in pygame.
below is his relevant text
"I haven't worked on pyPortMidi in years, unfortunately, so I've lost
track of it. I think the developers of pyGame forked it and ran with it.
I'd look for their version."

Thanks for this information. It confirms what I already suspected: pyportmidi is an aboonded, unmaintained project.

I was the one that last worked on the pyportmidi version in PyGame (pypm.pyx), but I have since written my own Python MIDI module, the RtMidi binding I mentioned in my last post, so I'm not planning on maintaining the pypm module in PyGame either, because I think it is fundamentally flawed.
