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Re: [pygame] RGBA question

ah, this looks like a good time to better explain SDL's "rules" for dealing with different transparencies. there are three types of transparency in SDL/pygame.

* First is 'colorkey'. This is by far the fastest type of transparency. It's pretty standard, one color of the image is dubbed 'transparent' and any pixel of the same color is not drawn when blitted. It is handled with the Surface.set_colorkey() function. Many image formats can store this colorkey.

* The second type is 'surface alpha'. This sets a constant alpha level for the entire image when blitted. It can be mixed with colorkey transparency to good effect. It is handled with the Surface.set_alpha() function.

* Lastly there is the 'per pixel alpha'. In this mode each pixel of the surface has its own transparency level. When a surface has pixel alpha none of the other transparencies are used. So no colorkey or surface alpha gets used. You need to create Surfaces with pixel alpha for them to have it. You can use the Surface function with the SRCALPHA flag, or call Surface.convert_alpha() to create a new copy of a surface with pixel alpha. Many image formats can store this pixel alpha data.

now with this gainful insight, let's review the two code samples.

Andrew Barilla wrote:
> This works...
> artist_bg = pygame.Surface((994, 644))
> artist_bg.fill((206, 158, 90))
> artist_bg.set_alpha(125)
> but this doesn't...
> artist_bg = pygame.Surface((994, 644))
> artist_bg.fill((206, 158, 90, 125))

so in the first example we are using the 'surface alpha'. everything good there. the second example we are trying to use the 'pixel alpha', but the Surface created does not have per pixel alpha. The trick here will be creating a different surface. change the first line to this,
artist_bg = pygame.Surface((994,644), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32)

this will create a new Surface with pixel alpha and 32 bits per pixel.
now your fill call will be able to set the proper alpha values and you should be all set.

btw, a few of SDL's blitters have "optimized" cases where surface alpha == 128. Surface.set_alpha(128) will usually be a bit quicker than Surface.set_alpha(125). In any event, the alpha blitting is slower than colorkeys. If you don't need the blending and speed is a concern, i recommend people go for the colorkeys.

"Neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things"