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Re: [pygame] PGU and Text Boxes

Have you looked at Ocemp GUI?  It does include a vertically scrolling box
for text lines.
If you do choose to implement such a vertically scrolling box for PGU, I, for one,  would appreciate
your sharing it with us. 

On 5/10/06, Kris Schnee <kschnee@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm overwhelmed with too many variations on game and other ideas right
now, but one recurring theme is that I need a good interface. My
homebrew one is ugly.

I tried using PGU, but found that something important was missing. I
have, and need, a box that contains a vertically-scrollable block of
variable text. That is, it displays lines of text (some of which are
actually longer than one line) that can be added to or cleared as
necessary without replacing the whole widget, and another widget can
scroll up or down through the set of lines because it can hold more than
it displays at once.

Could PGU have such a widget after all?


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