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Re: [pygame] update() or tick()

DR0ID wrote:
Tom Wardill schrieb:
DR0ID wrote:

<< SNIP >>


You didnt misunderstand the problem. Your right, with timer triggerd events it becomes the same as the update() approach. Only one thing: with the update() approach it is more or less synchronous and with the events aproach its more asynchronous. Many games are eventdriven, so only something happens if an event is posted (it a sort of action and reaction, or not?).

The overhad to implement such a system: I dont know how big it is and how much it would slow things down. But I think it will not be much slower as the update() aproach, because things are only done if an event was posted. And its perhaps a bit more complicated to implement, thats right, but Im not sure if it is more flexible or not. An obejct first has to register to get the events it wants. Once done that it only becomes the events it can handle. And now you can implement in the eventhandling method what the object has to do and how to react. But I'm a little affraid of the number of event it could exist in a single program.

If you want to add a new, lets say, control the only thing it has to do is post events. Or network connection. Or any other object that triggers an event.

I also have never implement such a system so I also only can guess how it will be.

Perhaps a mixture of both aproaches could be used?


I think it would depend on what type of game you were creating, anything that is action based (scroll shooter etc) would probably be better off with the update method. This is what we were taught in my classes in the subject (Games Programming). The update cycle becomes important in things such as collision detection and physics.

However, for turn based, or slower games, an event based system would probably work quite well, as in this case, you _only_ want the system to update on user input.

A hybrid type system could work well, again it would depend on the type of game you were after creating.