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Re: [pygame] What are the dependencies?

The Windows installer comes with all the dependency libraries for a full pygame build. But not all libraries are required. It depends on what is needed. SDL is only requirement. Have a look at the MinGW build instructions at the Pygame wiki for a list of Pygame 1.9.1 dependencies and where to find them: http://www.pygame.org/wiki/MingW?parent=index


Matt Pearson wrote:
yea, but isnt the windows based pygame already loaded with SDL?

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 2:46 AM, Alex Nordlund <deep.alexander@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:deep.alexander@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    All of those are SDL!


    On 21 Apr 2010, at 08:09, Ian Goodfellow <goodfellow.ian@xxxxxxxxx
    <mailto:goodfellow.ian@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

        I'm trying to install pygame on CentOS, and since there are no
        packages for CentOS/Red Hat as far as I can tell, I'm building
        from source.
        Here's the list of missing dependencies I get:
        SDL     : found 1.2.10
        FONT    : not found
        IMAGE   : not found
        MIXER   : not found
        SMPEG   : not found
        PNG     : found
        JPEG    : found
        SCRAP   : found
        PORTMIDI: not found
        PORTTIME: not found

        This is a little cryptic. Does anyone know where I can get
        names of actual libraries to install? For example, what is
        IMAGE? Is it pyimage? I tried installing pyimage and
        re-running the install script but IMAGE still shows up as not
        Thanks in advance,