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Re: [pygame] Split screen question (newbie)

On Nov 21, 2007, at 11:19 AM, Miguel Sicart wrote:

Hi all,

Thanks a lot for the help!
Ok, so what I am interested in doing is sort of artsy-fartsy little videogames (think Rob Humble's The Marriage), and this is one of them: top of the screen, player one will be doing one thing (collecting items, destroying items); bottom of the screen, player two will be doing other things (putting items together). And that is it, more or less :) Now, the problem is that I am to game programming what military music is to music, so I don't want to go into tiling or scrolling backgrounds (but hey, I'd love to learn more about tiling at some moment!). My intuition was very much towards Casey and Ian's comments - two subsurfaces where I can draw. Question is, I have no idea how to practically do that.
I do the screen the classic way, I think
screen = pygame.display.set_mode()
and then a background:
background = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size())

Then do something like:

top_rect = screen.get_rect()
top_rect.height = top_rect.height / 2
top_screen = screen.subsurface(top_rect)
bot_rect = top_rect.move(0, top_rect.height)
bot_screen = screen.subsurface(bot_rect)

Now use top_screen to draw into the top and bot_screen to draw into the bottom. You flip the main screen surface as usual to see the result since drawing to top_screen and bot_screen actual just draws into different positions of screen.

for example, try:

