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Re: [pygame] Joystick missing events?

Ethan Glasser-Camp wrote:

I've had similar problems as Joe Johnston in the past when working
with joysticks. Generally what's going on is that the joystick driver
is holding information and only "updating" a few times a second,
whereas if you're going to read "gestures", a la Street Fighter, the
entire gesture may go by in 100-200ms. Sometimes there's a way to ask
the joystick driver to update with more frequency, or to poll the way
Joe Johnston suggests, but I don't see a way to do that in the API

Thanks Ian for the initial response. I agree with Ethan that the import statement isn't likely to be the cause of the problem. That simply imports symbols into the current namespace.

I sort of guessed my problem was an update issue. I suppose I'll just go with the polling option, which will check the status of the joystick
every time through the main loop.

The code I posted was pretty rough. I hope to move to an MVC model, which appears to use events more extensively.

Perhaps this isn't a big issue, but it would be nice to update the docs on pygame.org to mention this issue.

Thanks again for the responses,
