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Re: [pygame] Building paths & pygame.image.load documentation

Irv Kalb wrote:
I started working in that environment in the days of Mac OS9. At that time, the Mac folder separator character was the ":" colon character.

Yes, in those days it was vitally necessary to use the os.path
functions for cross-platform code.

VMS is another example of a system which had wildly different
pathname syntax.

We're fortunate right now that the three major platforms have
partially-compatible pathnames. Whether that will continue
in the future is impossible to tell.

I didn't realize it but the character on a Mac is now the "/", same as the Unix character - probably changed when OS X came out.

Yes, MacOSX is essentially Unix in many ways.

 I think either one will work on a Mac.

If mean either "/" or ":", no, that's not true -- ":" is just
an ordinary filename character in MacOSX, same as Unix.

But, if you create a filename containng ":", the Finder displays
it as a "/" -- suggesting there's still something in there
somewhere that works with Classic MacOS style pathnames!

When I started using Python, I thought it was very clever that I can use just the "/" character in Python, and Python seems to do whatever translation it needs to do to make the path work on the target system.

Which is an illusion caused by some degree of conversion in
the major platforms.
