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Re: [pygame] Multimedia: was: Introducing Pygame Launcher alpha

Hi Bob and others!

Well, the nice thing about Processing is that you can extend your Processing code with ALL the ability
of Java itself. Thus it is extremely wide environment if you're willing to go out of the Processing world
and enter the world of Java. And then you've got a cross platform environment that is quite powerful.
I have never seen a real application built with Processing that does any more than what you'd be able to do with pygame by itself.. though I haven't really paid any attention to it since its beginnings.
No, people tend to do sketches with Processing. But you _could_ use Processing's Java classes in a Java
application which has menues, GUI elements and other things which Pygame doesn't have.

Anyway, I just mentioned Processing as one of the multimedia environments.

wxPython is going to work nearly as well as Swing does cross-platform.. so that puts it more or less on equal ground with Java in the cross-platform GUI arena.
Well, as far as I know you can't run wxPython and Pygame in the same application.
Thus not possible to do what I describe Processing/Java doing above.

No C knowledge should be necessary to write a framework that provides you with an equivalent environment to Processing.
No, but making Pygame work with wxPython does. Or what?

I don't agree that it would make that much of a dent in Python's popularity. The audience of a tool like Processing probably isn't as big as you think it is :)
I have no idea, but it seems to me that processing is quite alive compared to pygame:

But note: I am trying to create war here or valuing one over the other.
I am just trying to point to what I think would be great for python: to be able to do
multimedia content, CD-Roms, and other stuff.
