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Re: [pygame] Some problems with the pygame.draw.line function?

Tomasz Primke schrieb:
I'm working on some "fireworks-like" effect (nothing sophisticated though). One part of this effect is "shoot" - a line of some length, moving from the bottom of the screen to some point, with some speed. Very simple to code, as a matter of fact.

According to the Pygame docs, pygame.draw.line should return the Rect object describing the area affected by the drawn line. But I think, that in some cases it's not true. I use simple method of animation: draw the objects, update the screen, then clear all the affected areas (fill them with the background colour), and so on. My observations are clear: sometimes lines arent cleared properly and some "elements" remain on screen (because they aren't filled with the background colour). It happens, when the width of the "schoot" line is set to more than 1 (it should be set to 2 in my app, but I have experimented a little in order to find out what is going on). If the line width is set to 1, all works fine.

Besides, I tried to manually enlarge the Rect object returned by the pygame.draw.line function; instead of doing just:

def show( self, surface ):
  return pygame.draw.line( surface, ... )

I tried:

def show( self, surface ):
  r = pygame.draw.line( surface, ... )
  r.width += 10
  r.height += 10
  r.top -= 5
  r.left -= 5
  return r

And it worked (at least with the lines of the width equal to 2).

Is this some bug in the pygame.draw.line function, or perhaps in docs? Am I doing something wrong, or there's something I don't understand?

Best regards,



I would use rect.inflate_ip(x_val, y_val) to adjust the rect size manually (not sure if your code works correct).

I dont know if its a bug, but inflating the rect manually should help.