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Re: [pygame] Shaders and Examples not Working

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 11:42 PM, Ian Mallett <geometrian@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I've been doing lots of cool stuff with PyOpenGL, but frankly, with cooler effects comes more complexity, and when things get more complex
The solution, I've gathered from day 1, is to use shaders, which are programs run on the GPU.  They're faster, simpler to use, more powerful and flexible, and all-around just cool.  That's great and everything, but shaders, simplifying and inherently simple though they are, seem immune to implementation in PyGame, by which I mean, no one seems to know how to do it.  Which brings me to my point, or rather my exception.  There are shader examples on our very own pygame.org.  However, neither of the shader examples work for me, even after I made the obvious modifications. 
Searching the pygame site with 'shaders + opengl' got many hits. Can you point to the specif script(s) in trouble ?