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Re: [pygame] duplicate images

How are you handling the windows. ( Do you have a class that stores its location? )
It sounds like what happens if two variables point to / and modify the same object.
[ Whereas you want the same image, but different location ]

You can create a new sprite object, for every unit. But you are able to load it's image one time, shared among 100 (or more) units on screen.

Or you can skip using SpriteGroup()'s entirely, by just blitting the surface at a location. ( like RB[0] said ).

Here are a couple tutorials that may interest you:

pinman's sprite group tutorial: http://www.sacredchao.net/~piman/writing/sprite-tutorial.shtml

pygame.org's  sprite group tutorial: http://www.pygame.org/docs/tut/SpriteIntro.html

and pygame.org's Sprite documentation: http://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/sprite.html

example shows how you draw multiple sprites with one image.

"""Psuedo-code example 1"""
close_img = pygame.image.load("close.png")
windows = [ Window(), Window() ] # two windows, wiih defaults

# for every window
for current in windows:
    x,y = current.location()
    screen.blit( close_img, (x,y) )
# ======================

This second example is taken from piman's tutorial: If you want to load the image the first time the class is instantiated, and every instance uses the first image, you can do this.

"real code: example 2"
class MySprite(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    image = None

    def __init__(self):

        if MySprite.image is None:
            # This is the first time this class has been instantiated.
            # So, load the image for this and all subsequence instances.
            MySprite.image = pygame.image.load("image.png")

        self.image = MySprite.image

# ======================

# Then you could have code like this:

# ======================

# load map
units = []
units.append( Wolf() )
units.append( Troll() )

# draw
for unit in self.units:
# your loading and drawing code is now defined inside class Wolf() and class Troll().
# You could even write a wrapper, so that you can do something like this:

class Unit(pygame.sprite.Sprite)
    # base class.
    # ... like the above MySprite class, but adds a filename as argument.
    # also can handles locations, movement, and .draw() that all units need
    def __init__(self, filename ):
        # ... code snipped, saves to variable class.

# Wolf uses default blit, movement, attack, etc... functions
# only needs to define image.
class Wolf(Unit):
    def __init__(self):
        Unit.__init__(self, "wolf.png")
# troll draws extra ontop of default
class Troll(Unit):
    def __init__(self):
        Unit.__init__(self, "troll.png")
    def draw(self):
        #overwrides default blit, here.

see also: cookbook: sprite sheet. http://www.pygame.org/wiki/Spritesheet?parent=CookBook

hope that helps :P