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Re: [pygame] really need help making a transparent pygame window

On Thursday 18 September 2003 13:38, dave giffin wrote:
> How do I make a transparent pygame window?
> If it helps, I'm developing this for XFree86-4.3 on
> x86-linux-2.4. I've tried using the same code that
> would make a surface transparent, on the pygame
> window, but that doesn't seem to work. Is it supposed
> to?
> I would appreciate any help or example code,
> thanx in advance.
> :)

X window "windows" do not support transparency by default, at least until the 
Xrender/Cairo extensions become more commor.

Yer outta luck

( Unless you "FAKE" it by taking a 'screenshot' of the area behind the window, 
and use that for the window background )

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