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Re: [pygame] Question: where are all of the Pygames?

On Wed, 8 Sep 2004, trip somewhere wrote:

>Hi I am just wondering how the pygame development goes?
>I would love to add to the develeopment but code is just not my thing
>yet, I use blender for it's small learning curve and GUI interface.
>Though it could be much better.

Sorry, I just have to bump in. If you think Blender is easy to use and has
a small learing curve you *definitely* should try coding with Python and
Pygame, you'll most likely create wonderful games in no time. :) Nobody I
know has said that Blender is anywhere near intiutive. Learnable,
probably, but not user friendly.


 He says gods like to see an atheist around. Gives them something to aim at.
                                            -- Terry Pratchett, Small Gods