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Re: [pygame] Big Tile Maps

when does it slow down, when you start scrolling across it?  or is it
always slow?


On Thu, 15 Sep 2005, Simon Wittber wrote:

> Hello Chaps.
> I'm attempting to create a data structure for efficiently storing
> large tilemaps, and objects within the map. The map is a 2d overhead
> view of a terrain, which is scrolled when the mouse cursor is near the
> edge of the game window.
> I've tried using a quadtree, but this is not very efficient when
> working with moving objects, which move from tile to tile.
> I've also experiemented with a grid type system, and a moving window
> into the grid.
> I'm not satisifed with any of my solutions, and am wondering what
> other people use for this sort of thing.
> Has anyone got some pointers, or some code I can look at?
> Sw.