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Re: [pygame] Question - Comparing strings

Hi esc,

Other people have mostly answered your questions, but I would highly recommend anyone new to the language read Dive Into Python to get a sense of how to use it in practice.

You can even read it online (for free) at
then perhaps buy the book if you like it.


Keep at it, as someone who's programmed professionally in 6502, BASIC, COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal, Perl, C, C++, Java, and gawd knows what else I've forgotten, Python is still my language of choice. Mainly because it's powerful, you can actually read python code weeks and months after writing it, and in general if it looks elegant it is elegant. I find in the long run clarity + economy may be more important than anything.

escapedpolarbear@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I only recently found out about Python and started looking at it a
week ago. It seems like a brilliant coding language.