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Re: [pygame] Pygame surface

Thank you for the response Peter. Pygame image to string code below

def displayscreen():
  ## image_filename = str(va.page) + ".jpeg" Â# va.page is the current page no
  filename = "zxs" + str(va.page) + ".ada"
  ## images are saved in runs.py and to use it storeno = 2
  image2blit = getfrompy.main(filename, storeno = 2)
  if image2blit == None:
    ## no image saved in file so draw the screen with make_screen_text
    ## now grab the screen
    screen = SCREEN.subsurface(0, 0, SCREENW, SCREENH)
    ## convert to string
    screenstr = pygame.image.tostring(screen, "RGBA", Falsey)
    ## nowencode and write to dict in runs.py
    strA = XOR(screenstr, coder)
    str1 = base64.b64encode(strA)
    scrnstore [filename] = str1
    image2blit = pygame.image.frombuffer(screenstr, ( SCREENW, SCREENH ), 'RGBA')
  va.getscr = True
  return image2blit

this code took too long to convert back and fourth. around 6 seconds.

      screen = SCREEN.subsurface(0, 0, SCREENW, SCREENH)
      image2blit = pygame.Surface.convert_alpha(screen)
      memsave = StringIO()
      pygame.image.save(image2blit, memsave)
      pygame.image.load(memsave, iname) Â<- code crashes here
      strA = XOR(iname, coder)
      str1 = base64.b64encode(strA)
      scrnstore [filename] = str1

the above code crashes at the point marked with the message pygame.error: unsupported image format. What I want to do is to grab the screen surface, convert it to a string format and save to a dictionary.
The dictionary will be pickled and saved to a file.
I want all my images in this file and NOT AS IMAGE FILES ON DISK.
Please help to resolve this.

On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 10:05 AM, Peter Shinners <pete@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 09/09/2014 04:57 AM, diliup gabadamudalige wrote:

How can a Pygame surface be converted to an image file say a jpeg or a png WITHOUT writing the file to disk? Say after a screen grab?

It is not highly documented, but you can pass a file-like object to pygame.image.save. So instead of a filename you could create a StringIO buffer and write into that. Or you could use something crazy like an html post request and upload directly to a website.

If you are trying to load the image into a different library, it will be easier to use the "tobuffer" or "tostring" methods on the Surface. Then hope the other library you are using has a fromstring, frombuffer, or fromdata style function.

Diliup Gabadamudalige


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