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[school-core] Re:Schoolforge Membership Entry Notification

Dear Laouar Mohamed,

Thank you for filling out the membership application at schoolforge. 
Unfortunately, membership is not open to individuals but only to organizations 
working for free and open resources in education.

Should you wish to join the mailing list discussion, go to 
http://sf.net/sfdiscuss.php and fill out _that_ form.

Best wishes for your new Web site,

David Bucknell
for Schoolforge

Quoting Seul/Edu Membership <richl@seul.org>:

> Name: laouar mohamed amine
> Url: http://www.multimania.com/aminesec
> Description: i''am student in industriel chimics and i''am algeriene i have
> 22 years old.
> Contact: 
> Contact email:tom9dz@yahoo.com
> Password: laouar

http://members.iteachnet.org/~home About Membership
http://opensourceschools.org Open Source Schools Journal
http://schoolforge.net member Schoolforge Coalition for Open Educational 
