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[school-core] {shameless} plug for my work...

Hello Schoolforgers,

My name is David Williams, and I am the founder of the Dustyscript project (schoolforge member)...

I want to introduce my work.

I have had a fairly robust 'dustyscript interpreter' (written in java) running for awhile... and I am basically upon release candidate 1 for the Dustyscript project...

Dustyscript was born when my child came to me at the age of 8 wanting to program... I wanted him to learn programming, but I wanted there to be a little more power, and still easier syntax...
This is the link for the 'language specs' ((I have a book I'm writing that is more user/teacher friendly))

This is the link for the new applet I just put on the web (~200kb .jar)

The main project page:

And the (not too flashy at all) Dustyscript 'website' main page:

I've been kind-of silent lately, my fourth child (Aislinn Rose) was born last week....and new responsibilities at work have been demanding...

~Dave xiarcel@prodigy.net

Brainchild (and current obsession)
http://dustyscript.sourceforge.net/ >Dustyscript: Programming for Children<

||*Other projects that I head up*||
http://sourceforge.net/projects/cxtable >The xTable Project<<
http://sourceforge.net/projects/moonroof >Moonroof, a Java desktop<

||**Projects that I am dedicated to (but not in charge of)*||
>Grapevine p2p network<
"The Java Port"

weblog: http://wildegrey.blogspot.com/

"When I think back on all the crap I learned in High School...
it's a wonder I can think at all..."
-Paul Simon, "Kodachrome"

"...I took the road less travelled by, and that has made all the difference.."
-Robert Frost

"Man is the only animal that blushes... or needs to"
-Mark Twain