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Re: [schoolforge] Thank you and agenda items

Quoting Doug Loss <drloss@suscom.net>:

> David Bucknell wrote:
> > 
> I think you mean the Schoolforge member graphics, right?  We can use Matt
> Jezorek's graphics (Matt, could you post links to those?) or the ones
> Felipe
> designed to tie in with his puzzle logo on the Schoolforge frontpage
> (Felipe,
> could you post links to _those_?).  We should also think about that
> frontpage
> logo.  Felipe has done excellent work setting things up, including designing
> the
> initial graphics.  We have always talked about having a logo design contest
> for
> Schoolforge though, both as a way to get the best graphics we can and as a
> way to
> increase public awareness in who we are and what we're doing.  Do we want to
> run
> such a contest?  If so, how should we go about it?

Sure the links to the graphics are 


There are two in that directory to be used by anyone. 

Now as far as a logo contest, while these can be alot of fun, in my experience 
it can be hard to get quality artwork or ORIGINAL (which is very important 
almost ran into a problem with someone doing a logo for me in a contest that 
was part copyrighted) can be difficult, however it can happen and I have seen 
some good work come from it, I ended up having to do my own BlueEDU Linux Logo 
after the contest, but that is just my experience

Sorry for spelling and grammer mistakes no sleep all night because son was 
awake screaming all night. 
Matt Jezorek <matt@bluelinux.org> 
Blue Linux <http://bluelinux.org/> 
Lead Developer / Project Admin / Founder 
gpg fingerprint = 99C9 E059 13AF 751D 2BE4  4E10 601B DD7F D68A 2FB6 

BlueEDU Linux (http://www.bluelinux.org)
Open Education for the Mind