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[schoolforge] [Fwd: schoolforge-core list created]

Roger Dingledine wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 07:30:24AM -0500, Doug Loss wrote:
> >  Should we restrict membership
> > to just those individuals, or make it more widely joinable?  I lean toward
> > just those individuals, since the archive is world-readable.
> we could have a file with people who are allowed to post, and then let
> anybody subscribe. best of both worlds.
> >  For general
> > discussion we should have another list (a seul-edu cognate).
> i'll set that up for you, but are you *sure*?
> splintering mailing lists can be dangerous.
> what will schoolforge-discuss be for?

Well, as I've said before, I think that seul-edu should gradually become a list
that just addresses SEUL/edu things (and as such it will become much
lower-volume), while the Schoolforge general list will take the place of seul-edu
and possibly some other smaller lists (at their discretion) as a place for general
discussion of open resources in education.

Doug Loss                 All I want is a warm bed
Data Network Coordinator  and a kind word and
Bloomsburg University     unlimited power.
dloss@bloomu.edu                Ashleigh Brilliant