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Re: [school-core] Seul App List headlines for news.schoolforge?

On Fri, 10 Jan 2003, David Bucknell wrote:

> The news.schoolforge.net site uses Geeklog and can pull in rdf and php
> headlines. But I need either an address or some php code. Can someone point me
> to the address or code by which I can pull in the Seul application headlines? I
> imagine someone's doing this already elsewhere and can show me?
> David

http://richtech.ca/seul/appdex1.rdf (app index RDF URL)

http://seul.org/~bergo/php/seulapp.php (sample code running)

http://seul.org/~bergo/php/seulapp.txt (source code, PHP)

Felipe Paulo Guazzi Bergo - Computer Science MSc Student at Unicamp
bergo@seul.org - Campinas - SP - Brazil - Earth
GPG/PGP mail welcome - GPG/PGP Key: EF8EE808 (keyserver pgp.mit.edu)

* "Don't follow me, I'm lost too!", one cluster to another in a FAT.