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Re: [school-core] Seul App List headlines for

Quoting David Bucknell <david@members.iteachnet.org>:

To do RDF:

Does the Seul application create RDF summaries of its headlines? 
That would be the first requirement.

Next, you'll the need the URI for where the SEUL application 
makes the RDF file available.

Then, you'll need to download the RDF to your server 
periodically, probably via cronjob. Doing it on demand is 
possible but usually too slow and resource intensive.

If Geeklog handles RDF files, it must have the XML handling code 
you will need.

Happy to help out with any of this stuff, just let me know.

 > The news.schoolforge.net site uses Geeklog and can pull in rdf 
and php
 > headlines. But I need either an address or some php code. Can 
someone point
 > me
 > to the address or code by which I can pull in the Seul 
application headlines?
 > I
 > imagine someone's doing this already elsewhere and can show me?
 > David
 > --
 > http://www.iteachnet.org
 > http://members.iteachnet.org/webzine *
 > http://opensourceschools.org *
 > http://schoolforge.net *
 > http://www.over-seas.com *
 > http://www.rose-marie.ac.th *
 > ------------------------------------------------
 > http://members.iteachnet.org/
 > http://www.opensourceschools.org/

MICHAEL HALL                 Web Development Officer
Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education
W: mick.hall@nt.gov.au                (08) 8951 8352
H: ninti@ninti.com                    (08) 8953 1442