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[school-core] Hello..introductions?

Hello everyone,

It is an honor to be allowed to take this project on and work with
those who have applied their technical knowledge towards furthering
global education.  There is much I have to learn - and I'm asking for
help and support from the coalition.

I've tried to describe the direction I have in mind for SchoolForge,
with a more user focused design and implementation of many different
technologies.  There are a lot of aspects to the different features
that will be need to be looked at towards proper implementation -
things like the digg style news feeds and wikis (entire sites are
generally built around these features individually, instead of finding
specific places and uses for these various features within one site).
That's the 'user' facing side..

The other side of the system should be designed to provide a
centralized resource for project management and resources with the end
user being all of us on the dev side.  I was thinking something like
member project pages that could contain certain data, things like
'intended audience', 'tech level', and 'comments/feedback'.  I'm sure
there is much more that could be made available to members from
SchoolForge, and I hope that those who are making efforts will
consider what could be put in place so that the site and resources
works in tandem with your projects.

Also note that I'm not generally so wordy, but I'm not underestimating
the amount of time and work it's going to take to do a lot of these
things and want to share my thought process as completely as possible.
What my ideas are designed to provide to all of you is a larger user
base - but there is a lot more that I could offer if I knew what was
needed.  So please, speak up. If the efforts put into bringing all of
us together could be used and applied towards something, the next step
of Schoolforge should be that thing.

I'm proposing that the operating procedures are also updated to
reflect SchoolForge as more of an active hub between end users and
projects.  This can be adjusted and worked with while we decide on the
direction this should go.

