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[school-core] ifip workshop, milan, june 14 '05

IFIP workshop on 'Open Source Software' - Milan june 14, 2005

  A workshop aimed at formulating the proposal of a 'open source
  software' working group within the IFIP Technical Committee 2, will be
  held in Milan, italy, on tuesday, june 14.

  The proposal will be discussed at the annual TC2 meeting, to be held
  on june 24, in Bruges (Flanders, belgium).

  More info at:: http://www.eexplor.org/ifip-tc2/ifip-osswg

  All your comments, that you can leave on the wiki pages, will be
  considered during the workshop discussion.

  Partecipation in person is free, provided you register at

Thank you 
Paolo Pumilia
tel.  +39 (0)2 3654 4063
cell: +39 347 2315 496