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[school-core] Invitation to Join and Represent Anki in the Schoolforge.net Coalition

Dear Damien Elmes,

I found your e-mail addresses on the Anki contact page:  http://ichi2.net/contact.html

As a representative of schoolforge.net, the home of the coalition for free and open resources for education, I would like you to know that your project is listed on our site:


Currently, we don't have much information about you or your project (as far as I know).  I hope you will consider that those of us who use, support or code (like you) free software are likely to have a larger and more positive effect on education if we work together rather than independently.  I propose that you consider the following:

* Join the Web site

* Join the mailing list (there is an option for this on the Web site sign-up page).


* Joining the schoolforge-disucuss mailing list (Send an e-mail message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with no subject and a body of "subscribe schoolforge-discuss")

* Submit a request to edit the Anki project listing on our site, and

* Consider becoming the main caretaker of this page.  (Don't worry; we'll help you -- we hope you're busy coding!)

You might be interested to know that we are currently working to give Schoolforge new vitality and are discussing a number of ways to foster better use of free and open resources in education.

If nothing else, in the Schoolforge coalition, you will find a community of like-minded free software for education people.  Please join us and see how we can further the cause in which we all believe.

Best wishes,

David Bucknell

On behalf of The Schoolforge Coalition

flossed.org and opensourceschools.org

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