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Re: [school-discuss] Semi-OT: No "Scratch" on iPad

Not that I'm a big fan of Apple, but I dislike Wired even more. What a ridiculous argument. Apple is no good because they won't have a Scratch App anymore because they discovered it violated their closed source terms of service. If you agree to a terms of service, that should be the end of it. Any informed developers will vote with their choice of platforms. Pointing the finger at Apple is wrong here, instead the finger should be pointed squarely at the developers thatÂsacrificeÂmoral high ground for the potential windfall of the app store captive audience.

The android market plays a role here, but I fear its too late to the dance. Time will tell.

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 4:12 PM, Bill Kendrick <nbs@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Not a big surprise, considering Apple's rules about
interpeted languages (see: Commodore 64 emulator and
Adobe Flash), but the irony here is painful :(


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