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Re: [school-discuss] Mildly OT: Loki Games hosting

On Sat, 26 Jan 2002 00:37, Doug Loss wrote:
> This is mildly (but only mildly) off-topic.  SEUL (not SEUL/edu, but
> it's parent org) is planning to become the host of Loki Games CVS
> repository.  Loki Games will be ceasing operation on Jan. 31.  The
> Loki CVS includes OpenAL (a cross-platform 3D-Audio Library), SDL (a
> cross-platform multimedia development API), Fenris Online
> Bugtracking System (a web-based, database-supported system for
> developers), Setup (an XML- and GTK-based graphic installer
> utility), and the Loki Update, Uninstall, and Patch Tools.  These
> and some of the other things in this CVS may be useful to
> educational software developers.  You can see their current listing
> at <http://www.lokigames.com/development/>.

I find it somewhat dis-heartening that companies like Loki have not been able 
to make a profit.  It is my firm belief that companies supporting Linux (and 
other open source software) need to be financially sustainable for there to 
be any real and long lasting shift within the business community towards open 
source alternatives.

Still, glad to see that SEUL is stepping in to host the CVS repository.
