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Re: [school-discuss] Re: Linux in Government: Linux Desktops in the Enterprise with Microsoft Terminal Services | Linux Journal

Karsten M. Self wrote:
It's got a couple of advantages over VNC, among them that you're not
bound to the remote host's physical screen geometry (VNC is), and if
you're doing repetitive tasks on a slew of systems, it's possible to
access the lot of them in a shell script or one-liner (with
appropriately named hosts, or a target hosts file), since rdesktop takes
password on the command line.

This is markedly faster than VNC, which
requires inputting user/pass to log on to each system.  Say you've
managed to sequentially name your hosts:

With the VNC client (on Linux, at least; don't know about Windows), you
can put the encrypted password into a file in the .vnc directory and
then you don't have to supply it at run time, and it doesn't show up
in PS listings.  It then is as secure as normal Unix file permissions
can make it.

See the man page for vncpasswd.


Don Christensen       Senior Software Development Engineer
djc@xxxxxxxxx         Cisco Systems, Santa Cruz, CA
  "It was a new day yesterday, but it's an old day now."