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Re: Linux Core: a more detailed draft

Nick Mathewson writes:
>    * [?] GPM


.    * Compress

Not free.

>  - Editors
>    * [?] Some Vi clone.  (I'm not sure we should require any particular
>      version here.)

Allow any editor, not just vi (ae, for example).

>  - Package management
>    * I'm not sure what to include here.

There seems to be a standard on the way here.  Wait until it arrives and
then require it.

>    * Every Core-compliant distribution must provide an upgrade
>      mechanism sufficiently powerful to upgrade to a later version
>      of the Core.

You've already got tar.

>  - Daemons
>    * PPPd

I would *really* like to see a standard imposed for pppd.  The
distributions all have gratuitous differences in their scripts and files,
and then there are all those whacko scripts that people get out of the
HOWTO's.  I see people running Red Hat and Debian starting pppd by the old
"exit minicom without resetting the modem" method and then typing in a 200
character pppd command.
John Hasler
john@dhh.gt.org (John Hasler)
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI